Indigo’s Grand Adventures…SSD strikes…

So, as often as we can, I get my mom to take me for a walk in our local park.  I L O V E it – there are so many great smells!  My mom is missing out though because she just doesn’t understand why I want to stop and smell the trash cans…If only she knew…

There might be people around to tell me how pretty I am, and then of course, I have to go over so they can pet me.

And I have a friend who is a half Heeler-half German Shepherd mix and when I get to see him, it’s awesome.  My mom lets me off the leash and I run straight to him and body slam him and bark so he knows I want to play.  But, he doesn’t want to play for long, so then I’m ready to get back to the walk with my mom.

I’ve seen raccoons, possums, turtles, snakes, wild cats and vultures! I have personal air space, thank you very much – so I bark and jump up at the vultures when they get too close.

But the best, the absolute best – is when I get to see squirrels.

Sometimes they’re on the ground and I go into stealth doggie approach.  I drop my head and neck down and I very carefully and quietly pick up each foot very slowly and put it down very slowly so I can sneak up on them.  But, my mom ruins it – she keeps me on the leash, AND she doesn’t make ANY attempt to follow my stealthy approach.  So, I never get to chase them like I want.

Except for this one time…I was off leash as my mom was taking some pretty cool photos of me jumping over this log in the woods.  But then, SSD struck.  Well, that’s what my mom calls it – I call it FUN!  So, what is SSD?  She says it means ‘sudden squirrel deafness’.  I guess because when I’m chasing squirrels I don’t hear her calling me…LOL.

Once she caught up to me, she started taking pictures of me going ballistic.  And, boy was I mad!  That squirrel just sat up in that tree and wouldn’t come down no matter how I jumped or barked.  It just sat there, fussing at me from the tree limb.  I mean, how wrong was that?

Sometimes we don’t see ANY squirrels on our walk, but I’m always looking.  My mom has told me more than once how amazed she is that I can spot them in the strangest places.  I am pretty amazing – I mean, she usually has to look hard to see what I see so easily.  But, I love her anyway…

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