Boyfriend…in early morning light

Believe it or not, Boyfriend was only about 6 months old when this image was made.  He is a Bull Mastiff and just a sweetheart!  As a puppy, he was bigger than many full grown dogs!

We were out at my local park in a mostly wooded area.  It was early morning and the light was filtering in beautifully through the trees.  His left side was in this gorgeous light and his right was a little darker.  We were able to get him to sit in the spot I wanted while I shot some images…and then, of course, we moved on!

I love light coming in from the side, and early morning and late afternoon are lovely times of day to shoot outside.  In the middle of the day is actually when the light is at it’s most harsh, so while there are things professional photographers do to make shooting this time of day work, for your typical snapshots it doesn’t make for very appealing photographs.

Something to keep in mind when you’re taking pictures yourself…whether of people or your four legged kiddo.

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