
You love.  Some say you love too much...they say "they're just animals".  Everything in you rebels against that statement. I see you.  And I know you...because I am just like you.

You just love your fur-kids, your babies, your kiddo's...You buy them the best food you possibly can, who knows, they might even eat better than you do!  They have nice cushy beds...safe toys to play with..you've even considered buying a service dog vest so you can take them with you wherever you go.  You hate being away from them, and you go to a great deal of effort to make certain they are safe and loved on while you are gone.  And oh, the excitement on your return!  And yes, that would be your excitement too!  LOL.

You take lots of photos with your phone and share them with as many people as possible - I mean really, who wouldn't be able to see how awesome they are?  But, while you love having the picture of them snoozing on the couch, or playing with a favorite toy, or maybe even a selfie with you, there is something missing.  And so, you've wondered if it would be odd to pay a professional photographer to take photographs of your baby.

And you're torn.  You think it would be amazing to have awesome images of them really big on your wall - but then you wonder if it's weird.  You're not alone.  Oh, and no, it's not weird.  At all.

We love our babies.  And for some of us, they are our only kids.  And so you decide, "Yes, I'm going to do this!" and then thoughts creep in and you don't do it.  It could be you're too busy, or you're worried about how you'd look in the images, or how you would find someone you could trust, or how your baby will behave...and so, you do nothing.  And time passes. Time you will not get back. 

Having your photo taken shouldn't be stressful - ever!  It's supposed to be exciting and fun!  It's time you set aside to focus on the the bond between you and your baby.  It's a treat to have Art that is personal.

The really awesome thing is I will see the bond in ways you can't because you're in it, and I'll be able to reflect it back for you in the images we create for you to hang on your wall.  And then, you will be doubly blessed...you feel the connection and now you can see it as well.  It will tug at your heart and make you smile every time you see it.  Others will comment on how they feel the love between you just from looking at your art.  And maybe, they will catch a glimpse of what you see and feel when you look at your baby. And what they feel when they look at you.

I know figuring out what to do with your images can be overwhelming, and it doesn't have to be.  I won't leave you alone to figure it out.  And you don't have to select anything you don't love.  I will come to your home and show you only the best images - I won't overwhelm you with so many images there is no way you could decide.  I deal with that for you. And then, together in your home, we'll design your gallery together.  Because I know you don't need one more thing on your plate to figure out...you've got plenty on your plate right now, thank you very much!

I see your love - for this being who loves you unconditionally.  Who doesn't care what you look like, who will never be critical, who will just be grateful just to 'be' with you.  What a gift.

You walk through life together for too short a time.

I see you.

Let's do this.


